During the past decade, the interest in the field of natural medicine in North America has increased considerably. A growing number of North American people recognize the side effects of modern western medicine and are seeking help from natural therapies. However, the public for the most part, has no way of differentiating between trained and untrained natural therapy practitioners. The Canada Association of Certified Health Practitioners (CACHP) seeks to create greater awareness of professionalism, ethics, research and educational standards; to promote the use of holistic, traditional and natural medicine resource to alleviate human suffering and to collaborate and form partnership with other organizations with similar goals.
CACHP certifies qualified practitioners of natural medicine, traditional naturopath, traditional osteopath, homeopathic medicine and traditional Chinese medicine, Chinese manipulative therapists, shiatsu therapists, aromatherapists, reflexology practitioners and other holistic health care practitioners according to the qualification standards and professional code of ethics set out by the certification board. The association does not represent any particular natural health profession.
Individuals interested in becoming registered must pass qualifying evaluations and must agree to abide by the code of ethics. You may be required to sit for a qualifying examination during the process of the evaluation.